If you're a pianist, I can save you time by improving your practice skills.

Have you given up on being able to play the piano the way you want?

Maybe you've had a bad experience with a teacher.  Maybe the teacher made it feel like it was your own fault you weren't learning.  

It's possible you spend a lot of time and money on piano lessons and are not seeing the results you want.

If you're one of my students, here's what you'll be able to do after the first month:

  • play the blues
  • know the basics of reading music
  • believe you can get to any level

Imagine what I could do for you in a year!


Sometimes learning can be difficult

It's normal to feel overwhelmed learning the piano.  There's so many things to know!  And then you have to perform!

It's natural to feel insecure, even if you're an expert.  The odds are there's something no one has ever explained to you clearly.  But the answers are right here!


What does it take to play the piano?

You may have the desire to play.  But do you really have what it takes?

In all my years of instruction, every one of my students has been able to go from “I can't” to “I can” in just a few months.

How do we do that?

  • We figure out what the most important thing is to learn right now.
  • We learn to use our time well.
  • We figure out when to push and when to rest.

These are skills the best pianists know.  If you're shy on some of them, that's ok!  It can all be learned, and depending on you, it can be learned fast!

If you want to get the most out of your time, then I can help you.

How do I know I can help?

See that goofy kid over there?  He really, really wanted to be a piano player.

That's  me!

I took piano lessons for 12 years as a kid, and at the end of it…I could barely play.  I didn't know how to practice, and I had issues that kept me from making the kind of progress I needed to succeed.

Because I had to figure out my most basic piano problems on my own, I became a very sympathetic and effective teacher.  I didn't have the answers I needed when I needed them, but when you study with me, you will.  I can get you to where I am in a lot less time!

Wondering what it would be like to work with me? 

“Wait!  I'm not ready yet!"

No problem.  I give away a lot of my information free!  

If you sign up for my newsletter you'll get access to weekly blogs and videos that will inspire you to play and show you the way!  You'll get links to my YouTube channel where we can practice together!  Enter your e-mail below…

Photo by Addison Hill

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